Travis CI pipeline allows you to build and upload both Android & iOS apps to to notify your testers for testing and feedback.


Key Description Env Var(s) Default
api_token You can get it from TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN
app_id You can get it from your app page at TESTAPPIO_APP_ID
release It can be either both or Android or iOS TESTAPPIO_RELEASE
apk Path to the Android APK file TESTAPPIO_ANDROID_PATH
ipa Path to the iOS IPA file TESTAPPIO_IOS_PATH
release_notes Manually add the release notes to be displayed for the testers TESTAPPIO_RELEASE_NOTES
git_release_notes Collect release notes from the latest git commit message to be displayed for the testers: true or false TESTAPPIO_GIT_RELEASE_NOTES true
git_commit_id Include the last commit ID in the release notes (works with both release notes options): true or false TESTAPPIO_GIT_COMMIT_ID false
notify Send notifications to your team members about this release: true or false TESTAPPIO_NOTIFY false

Check TA-CLI for more info


We will demonstrate with our sample iOS project testappio-ios-sample-app to integrate with Travis-CI.

Configure iOS project for Fastlane

  1. Install Fastlane

The below command works for most cases. If not, please read this - Setup Fastlane

bundle install fastlane
  1. Init Fastlane

In the iOS project folder

bundle exec fastlane init

And follow the wizard; it will create ./fastlane/Appfile with your Apple ID and team.

  1. Init Match

Fastlane match is a tool for generating all necessary certificates and provisioning profiles and storing them in a Git repository encrypted.

Create a private empty GitHub repository for storing certificates and provisioning profiles.

bundle exec fastlane match init

Follow the instruction, give the new empty git repository when asked, and it will create the Matchfile.

Note: Please use the HTTPS Git repository address if you integrate with the Travis CI.
  1. Generate the certificate and provision profile
bundle exec fastlane match adhoc

Following the instruction, it will generate certificates/profiles and store them in the Git repository specified in the previous step.

Note: Provide a matching password that is used for encrypting the certificates and profiles in the Git repository.
  1. Select provisioning profiles in Xcode

The newly created certificates and profiles should now be possible to select inside our project. Open up Xcode and go to Signing & Capabilities.

Note: Don't choose Automatically manage signing
  1. Configure MATCH_PASSWORD environment parameter in Travis CI

Go to Travis's repository Settings page, add an environment parameter MATCH_PASSWORD as below.

  1. Configure FASTLANE_PASSWORD environment parameter in Travis CI
    This is used for login your Apple ID to the Apple Developer's portal.

  2. Configure GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment parameters in Travis CI

Navigate to Tokens to generate a Personal Access Token, and create a GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment parameter in Travis CI.

  1. Using testappio plugin for Fastlane
bundle exec fastlane add_plugin testappio
  1. Add environment parameters for testappio Fastlane plugin
    Add TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN and TESTAPPIO_APP_ID to Travis environment parameters.

Run the pipeline

  1. Finally, create the lane

Create: ./fastlane/Fastfile and copy the below content:


platform :ios do

  desc "Build the adhoc and upload to"
  lane :beta do
    match(type: "adhoc")
    gym(export_method: "ad-hoc")
      release_notes: "My release notes here...",
      git_release_notes: true,
      git_commit_id: false,
      notify: true

More info on the Fastlane plugin:

You may already have your lane in place; copy the upload_to_testappio action and put it into your pipeline after the IPA export.

  1. The Travis pipeline:

Create: .travis.yml file under your project root folder. E.g.

language: swift
osx_image: xcode13.3

  bundler: true

  - bundle install  # install fastlane and its dependencies
  - echo "machine login $GITHUB_API_TOKEN" >> ~/.netrc
  - bundle exec fastlane ios development # run the lane
  1. Commit and push the change to trigger the Travis pipeline.


We will demonstrate with our sample Android project testappio-android-sample to integrate with Travis-CI.

  1. Add Travis environment parameters for ta-cli
    Check the configuration for more info

  2. Create .travis.yml file

language: android
jdk: openjdk11
dist: trusty

  - release_notes="My release notes here..." git_release_notes=false git_commit_id=false notify=true

  - rm -f  $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
  - rm -fr $HOME/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
    - $HOME/.gradle/caches/
    - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/
    - $HOME/.android/build-cache

  - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
  - export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  - echo yes | sdkmanager "build-tools;30.0.3"
  - echo yes | sdkmanager "platforms;android-31"
  - export JAVA_HOME=~/openjdk11
  - export PATH=$OLDPATH

  - ./gradlew assembleDebug
  - export INSTALL_DIR=/tmp
  - curl -Ls | bash
  - $INSTALL_DIR/ta-cli publish --api_token=$TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN --app_id=$TESTAPPIO_APP_ID --release=$release  --apk=./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --release_notes=$release_notes --git_release_notes=$git_release_notes --git_commit_id=$git_commit_id --notify=$notify --source="Travis CI"

If you already have your Travis pipeline for testing/building your Android app, you could just put the below sections:

  - release_notes="My release notes here..." git_release_notes=false git_commit_id=false notify=true
  - export INSTALL_DIR=/tmp
  - curl -Ls | bash
  - $INSTALL_DIR/ta-cli publish --api_token=$TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN --app_id=$TESTAPPIO_APP_ID --release=$release  --apk=./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk --release_notes=$release_notes --git_release_notes=$git_release_notes --git_commit_id=$git_commit_id --notify=$notify --source="Travis CI"

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