Release Notifications

Q: What types of notifications can I send to my team?

There are three types of notifications:

  1. Account: These are notifications within your account.
  2. Push Notifications: These are mobile alerts specific to the platform of the release (iOS or Android) and are sent only to devices that have enabled push notifications for the particular app.
  3. Integrations: Notifications that can be sent through third-party integrations like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Q: Who will receive push notifications for new releases?

Push notifications are sent to team members who have enabled push notifications in our app and have opted to receive notifications for that specific app. If it's an iOS app update, only members with iOS devices will be notified, and the same applies to Android updates.

Q: Can I notify team members who are not part of a specific app?

Notifications are targeted. Only team members who are part of a specific app will receive relevant notifications, depending on their notification settings.

Q: How do integrations like Slack and Microsoft Teams work with notifications?

When you integrate with Slack or Microsoft Teams, you can set up notifications to be sent to a specific channel whenever there's a new release. This keeps your entire team informed, even if they are not directly part of the app's team within

Q: Can I control the notification settings for each team member?

No, each team member is in charge of managing their own notification preferences. They can choose what type of notifications to receive and for which apps.

Q: Is it possible to customize the content of notifications sent to my team?

The system generates standard notifications about new releases. For customized messages, you might want to use third-party integrations like Slack or Microsoft Teams, where you can add a personal touch to the notification message.

Q: How can I check if a team member has push notifications enabled for their device?

You can verify the push notification status for each team member's device in two places:

  1. Release Information Panel: Before finalizing a new release, you can see if push notifications are enabled for team members' devices in the release information panel.
  2. Team Member Profile: Go to 'Team' then to 'Members', select 'Member', and then view the 'Device' details to check the push notification status for individual devices.

This ensures you're aware of who will receive push notifications when you publish a new release.