How to create a release?

Walkthrough on creating a release manually, installing it from our app, and automating it using TA-CLI

Transcript enables you to share your application with everyone for testing and feedback

Let's try it out together by creating our first release

You can upload both Android & iOS releases at the same time
And in this demo, we are going to go with Android by selecting our APK

Add your release notes and notify your testers about this release

And that's it! The release has been successfully created and is ready to be installed

And now, it's time to install this release and share our feedback

Once it's done installing, you can open it for testing

and share your feedback about this release with the developers of this application

With each piece of feedback, you will find the device and the tester's location for debugging purposes.

Let's get back to our Portal and see the install we just made and our shared feedback.

Save time by using our CLI to upload and notify your team members about these releases with a single command line.

Check out our Github & integrations page for more information.

Thank you so much for watching, and we hope to see you in the next one.

Feedback & Support

Developers built to solve the pain of app distribution for mobile app development teams.

Join our community for feedback and support.

Happy releasing 🎉